Celebrating HPE Day 2023 at La Trobe Sports Stadium

National Health and Physical Education (HPE) Day raises awareness of, and advocates for, a greater focus of HPE in our schools. The theme of HPE day is Good for Children, Good for Schools and Good for Communities.

Held this year on Wednesday 6 September, it was a sunny morning at our HPE Day activation event at La Trobe Sports Stadium, with the energy of local primary and secondary school students filling the air as they eagerly participated in a range of physical activities and sports experiences.

This event, organised by ACHPER Victoria and La Trobe Sports, aimed to introduce students from local schools to the variety of physical activities and sports available in their community.

It was a morning filled with excitement as students discovered the joy of being active and healthy together. Some of the highlights for students included active sessions with:

  • Melbourne Rebels Rugby players getting involved in the rugby skills and activities with a community coach.
  • Football Victoria’s soccer skills and indoor football challenges, reliving the excitement of the recent Women’s World Cup (pictured). 
  • Reclink Australia’s regional sport and recreation coordinator getting students excited about the fun of Pickleball, and
  • AFL Victoria providing engaging Australian Rules Football games that promoted group work and serious fun!

Thank you to the La Trobe School of Education staff members, Dr Stuart Evans and Dr Kellie Sanders, for also attending and supporting this important event. We look forward to building participation and experiences with La Trobe Education in the future.

Embracing HPE Day 2023

The significance of HPE Day extends beyond the event itself as schools from across the country put on their own events and celebrations of health and wellness. It serves as a reminder of the importance of further incorporating health and physical education into the curriculum and the crucial holistic development of students, including their physical wellbeing. 

HPE Day 2023 not only celebrated the importance of health and physical education but also encouraged students to explore the diverse range of sports and fitness options available within their local community. We hope that everyone was able to celebrate HPE Day and the important role HPE teachers play in the lives of all students.

The event at La Trobe Sports Stadium perfectly embodied the spirit of HPE Day 2023, providing an engaging experience for students to discover new activities and embrace an active lifestyle. It was a wonderful morning with students, and would not have been possible without the support from La Trobe Sports, and the sports providers.  

Whether you’re preparing for an upcoming camp, require off-site learning to enhance your curriculum or need to plan an activity day with non-stop fun to celebrate the end of the term, La Trobe Sport has a program suited to your needs. To learn more, click here.

And if you need further ideas to help you deliver quality HPE, click here to learn more and register for our Annual HPE Conference coming up from 23-24 November!