About ACHPER Victoria

The Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER), Victorian Branch (or ACHPER Victoria) is a not-for-profit organisation working towards the state’s education goals. 

Founded as the Australian Physical Education Association in the 1950's, ACHPER Victoria now has more than 2,000 members state-wide, and is a key provider of high-quality and professional learning programs to government, Catholic and independent schools in Australia.

Our vision is for all Victorians to be active and healthy. We work to achieve this by advocating for the highest quality health and physical education in schools, and by producing professional teaching and learning materials.

Our work is delivered in collaboration with government, academia and school teachers.

Download our latest and past Annual Reports >>

Read about our purpose here >>
Learn more about ACHPER Victoria's governance, staff and partners. For more information, please contact us.