Advance your Physical Education program

This article is contributed by the Victorian Institute of Sport (VIS).

Born during COVID, the Victorian Institute of Sport (VIS) Advancement Series is the most valuable way to extend your students knowledge about Sport Science and Sports Nutrition. With over 1,000 student visits this year, the numbers speak for themselves. Many schools see this excursion as beneficial for exam revision or career pathways.

A teacher from regional Victoria said “The students have been able to go a bit further with their knowledge. Beyond the realms of what they would learn in the classroom”. Students have said “I didn’t really know that you could take a career like this in the sport area.”

The session content is tailored to your students year level. The VIS Advancement Series is part of the Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series (VCES) and is targeted for high ability students. It is free for Government secondary schools. Book in now for a great Term 4 excursion or get ahead with your planning for 2024.

Sport Science (Y7-12)

Students can hear from a sport scientist, tour the VIS and try out some of the testing equipment in the gym. These sport science education sessions will take students through an interactive session where they will learn about each of the different areas of sport science and how they relate to elite athlete performance. Sessions are 90 minute duration.

Performance Nutrition (Y7-10) and Sports Medicine & Sports Nutrition (VCE)

Students will hear from a VIS dietitian, tour the VIS and meet a VIS athlete. Sound nutrition is the foundation for good health & wellbeing. For athletes, the nutritional composition of their diet can significantly impact their body’s ability to adapt to training, to adequately recover following exercise, and to perform at their best. Sessions are 4 hour duration.

To learn more about these programs via VIS' website, please click here. And to book your students in for a program, click here.