Make your 'Impact on Tomorrow' at our 2023 Annual HPE Conference

Educators play a crucial role in shaping the future of students’ health and wellbeing. By providing students with the knowledge and skills to maintain lifelong wellness, we are preparing the next generation for a healthier future. 

Professional Learning is critical to remaining current with new technologies, new approaches to education and best practices.

Have a lasting Impact on Tomorrow by learning and evolving with your peers, industry experts and providers.

We’re thrilled to provide the opportunity to come together professionally over two days of intensive learning, networking and impact building at our Annual HPE Conference 2023.

Our impact starts with you, your impact continues with tomorrow’s generation, today!

Coming up from 23-24 November and held again at Monash University, Clayton Campus, here’s what you can expect to experience at #ACHPERVIC23:

  • A strong focus on inclusivity and personalised learning approaches.
  • Inspirational ideas for teaching in a changing landscape – encouraging flexibility, adaptability and a willingness to embrace new ideas and approaches.
  • Exploration of new technologies impacting the way we teach into the future… are you keeping ahead of the game?

Enhance your teaching toolkit with 80+ interactive workshops, practical sessions, feature presentations and panel discussions covering topics over curriculum stages F-10 and VCE Units 1-4, including:

Quality Physical Education

  • FMS and Game Sense
  • Instructional models
  • Team and individual sports
  • Learning and understanding movement 

Health Education

  • Inclusion and diversity
  • Wellbeing and safety
  • Consent education 

Contemporary issues in HPE

  • Research into practice
  • Teacher and student wellbeing
  • EduTech and Sports Tech

Pedagogy and Practice

  • Planning your curriculum
  • Unpacking assessment
  • Student voice 
Click here to download the conference brochure, and head to the official #ACHPERVIC23 conference website to register today!